CMP Operations Guide

The following includes operations, configurations, and workflows using the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP).

For more information about CMP and how it works with EJBCA, see the CMP overview page.


For 3GPP specific operations and settings, see 3GPP Operations.

Sample Commands Using CMP for OpenSSL

Enrolling in RA Mode

cmpforopenssl works with EJBCA in RA mode with the following EJBCA configuration, using for example alias "opensslra" (unmentioned configurations = default):

CMP Operational Mode : RA Mode
CMP Response Protection : pbe
CMP Authentication Module : HMAC
CMP Authentication Parameters : password

You can then use cmpforopenssl (as an RA):

$ ./openssl genrsa 2048 > key1.pem
$ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir -server localhost:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/opensslra -srvcert ManagementCA.cacert.pem -ref NewUser -secret pass:password -certout clcert1.pem -newkey key1.pem -subject "/CN=NewUser/O=My Organization/C=SE"

This requests a certificate, defining the subject DN that will be used. The CA used to sign the certificate is specified in the EJBCA CMP configuration and can be taken from the keyid. EJBCA authenticated the request using the HMAC protection with the password, and accepts any request upon correct authentication.

You can request server generated keys by omitting the public key in the certificate request, using the same request as an ir, but without public key. Note however that the cmpclient cannot be used since no cmpclient parameters support omitting the public key. For example Java code, refer to the test class CrmfRequestTest.test12ServerGeneratedKeys().

Revoking a Certificate in RA Mode

To revoke an issued certificate the RA can send a CMP Revoke Request:

$ ./openssl cmp -cmd rr -server localhost:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/cmpra -srvcert ManagementCA.cacert.pem -oldcert ./clcert1.pem -secret pass:password -ref ffaabb

Note that the ref value is a random value.

Enrolling in Client Mode with HMAC Password Authentication

cmpforopenssl works with EJBCA in client mode, with HMAC password authentication, using the following EJBCA configuration with for example the alias "opensslclient" (unmentioned configurations = default):

CMP Authentication Module : HMAC
CMP Authentication Parameters : password
Extract Username Component : CN

You can now add a new user in EJBCA:

$ bin/ ra addendentity user1 --password password "CN=user1,O=My Organization,C=SE" ManagementCA 1 USERGENERATED
$ bin/ ra setclearpwd user1 password
$ bin/ ra setendentitystatus user1 10

You can then use cmpforopenssl (as a client):

$ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir -server localhost:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/opensslclient -srvcert ManagementCA.cacert.pem -ref user1 -secret pass:password -certout clcert1.pem -newkey key1.pem -subject "/CN=user1/O=My Organization/C=SE"

This requests a certificate, and the requested subject DN must match the registered subject DN. EJBCA authenticates the request using the HMAC protection with the password of the registered user. See the CMP documentation above for more advanced configuration.

Enrolling in Client Mode, Client Certificate Authentication

cmpforopenssl works with with EJBCA in client mode, with certificate authentication, using the following EJBCA configuration with alias tex. "openssleec" (unmentioned configurations = default):

CMP Authentication Module : EndEntityCertificate
CMP Authentication Parameters : ManagementCA (use the CA that issues your client authentication certificate)
Extract Username Component : CN

You can now issue a certificate using certificate authentication in EJBCA (the end entity needs a certificate before so we re-use user1 from above):

$ bin/ ra setclearpwd user1 password
$ bin/ ra setendentitystatus user1 10

You can then use cmpforopenssl (as a client):

$ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir -server localhost:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/openssleec -srvcert ManagementCA.cacert.pem -cert clcert.pem -key key.pem -certout clcert1.pem -newkey key1.pem -subject "/CN=user1/O=My Organization/C=SE"

This requests a certificate, and the requested subject DN must match the registered subject DN. EJBCA authenticates the request using the signature protection with the certificate of the registered user. See the CMP documentation above for more advanced configuration.

You can also use a 'cr' instead of an 'ir';

$ bin/ ra setendentitystatus user1 10
./openssl cmp -cmd cr -server localhost:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp/openssleec -srvcert ManagementCA.cacert.pem -cert clcert.pem -key key.pem -certout clcert1.pem -newkey key1.pem -subject "/CN=user1/O=My Organization/C=SE"

Enrolling Device with HMAC password

A typical PKI workflow using CMP involves enrolling a device with a certificate and then having the device automatically renew the certificate when it is about to expire.

  1. Generate a key pair.

  2. Initial enrollment of client certificate using a one-time enrollment code.

  3. Generate a new key pair.

  4. Renew with a new certificate for the new key pair, authenticated using the old key pair and certificate.

The above steps can be simulated in reality using the openssl and cmpforopenssl client, but also using the EJBCA cmpclient.

This works with a default cmpalias (named cmp) configured with parameters:

CMP Authentication Module : HMAC
CMP Authentication Parameters : password
Extract Username Component : CN
  1. Generate a key pair:

    $ ./openssl genrsa -out certs/cl_key.pem 2048
  2. Initial enrollment:
    Before initial enrollment, add a new End Entity in EJBCA, in this example with user name cmptest and subject DN 'CN=cmptest', and enrollment code 'CMP-pwd'.

    $ ./openssl cmp -cmd ir -server ejbca-server:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp -srvcert certs/3GPPCA.pem -user cmptest -pass CMP-pwd -newkey certs/cl_key.pem -certout certs/cl_cert.pem -subject "/CN=cmptest"
  3. Generate a new key pair:

    $ ./openssl genrsa -out certs/cl_new_key.pem 2048
  4. Renew with a new certificate:

    $ ./openssl cmp -cmd kur -server ejbca-server:8080 -path ejbca/publicweb/cmp -srvcert certs/3GPPCA.pem -key certs/cl_key.pem -cert certs/cl_cert.pem -newkey certs/cl_new_key.pem -certout certs/cl_new_cert.pem

Custom Handling of Certificate Requests

A custom plug-in class can be added to handle a certificate request. The class implementing this plug-in must implement the org.ejbca.core.protocol.ExtendedUserDataHandler interface.

For more information, see Creating Custom Request Processors.

Sample Client Messages

While many CMP clients exist (as listed on the CMP overview page), many use cases require writing custom clients. Using the BouncyCastle crypto libraries, we've produced some sample implementations in Java if you need some help in getting going.

For more information, see CMP Client Support.